What Types of Jobs Do We Do in Kittaning?
We do a variety of jobs. Here are some examples.
Isabella’s Toy Train
Isabella’s father had a toy train that took up an entire bedroom in the house she inherited from him. When she found out she was due to have a baby boy, she knew that the train would have to go. Although she loved it, she needed to transform that space into a nursery for her growing family. We can disassemble that train and donate it to an organization like Salvation Army.
Michael’s Hot Tub
Michael had a spa on his back patio that he and his wife had not used in years. He called our team to schedule a removal appointment. We brought the highly experienced crew and a Sawzall to cut the hot tub into several manageable sections. Next, we carried each of the pieces to the truck. Lastly, we swept the area to clear out insulation and other debris that came off the hot tub.
Luke’s Rental Home Clean-out
Luke owns a few rental properties in the area. Recently, one of this tenants moved out. When he went to check on the property, he found a mess. It turns out that the tenant was a hoarder and had piles of trash that were stacked up over five feet high. Because of this, he needed a little help cleaning the place out. He, himself didn’t have the time to tackle this large project. We told him “no problem.” This job was over 10 truck loads, but Luke was left with a home that, with some deep cleaning and minor repairs, could go back on the rental market.